Gift money comes to the University as either Regental gifts or UCLA Foundation gifts.
- Regental gifts - directly donated to the University and recorded in the University books as gift income. Please follow the instructions below to deposit Regental gift monies. A Regents Gift Transmittal form must be sent to Gift Services along with a copy of the completed deposit record. (See Gift & Data Services website for link to transmittal form.) When General Accounting receives the acknowledgment from Gift Services, funds of $100,000.00 or less will be released, less the 6.5% administrative fee, and appropriated to the department via a Transfer of Funds.
- UCLA Foundation gifts – directly deposited to the Foundation and then transferred to campus when requested. See Gift & Data Services website for steps on depositing Foundation funds.
Guidelines for Depositing Regental Gifts Monies
Gifts monies should NOT be deposited directly to the department's gift fund. Departments must deposit all Regental gifts monies into the Gifts Received-Undistributed account-fund (4-116030-54805). See an example.
Deposits can be made at any of the campus main cashiers. Please use the following guidelines when preparing the deposit record:
The Loc-Account-Fund is always 4-116030-54805.
The SOURCE and PROJECT fields should remain empty.
The DESCRIPTION field should have the donor's name and check number. (For example: Bruin, Joe/5512). Record each gift check separately, and remember to keep a copy.
The REFERENCE # field should be completed with the letter that corresponds to the month in which the gift is deposited followed by the fund number for which the gift is intended (see the list below).
If the gift is to be appropriated to a new fund that has not yet been established, use the reference number that corresponds to the month according to the list below (under Fund Not Established).
Chart for Assigning Reference Number
Month | Letter |
Reference # |
Reference # for Fund not Established |
July | A | A <fund number> | Axxxxx |
August | B | B <fund number> | Bxxxxx |
September | C | C <fund number> | Cxxxxx |
October | D | D <fund number> | Dxxxxx |
November | E | E <fund number> | Exxxxx |
December | F | F <fund number> | Fxxxxx |
January | G | G <fund number> | Gxxxxx |
February | H | H <fund number> | Hxxxxx |
March | I | I <fund number> | Ixxxxx |
April | J | J <fund number> | Jxxxxx |
May | K | K <fund number> | Kxxxxx |
June | L | L <fund number> | Lxxxxx |