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To perform payment batch import, you must:

  1. Have a UCLA logon
  2. Be a current CASHNet operator with cashiering access.
  3. Attend an online 15-30 minutes overview of the batch upload process. Access will be granted within 24 hours after training is completed. 

How to use the Payment Batch Import:

  1. Create an Excel formatted file. See details of required columns on Payment Batch Import File Format at the Related Information link on the right.
  2. Log into the Business and Finance Services Web Application with your UCLA logon. (If you are unable to logon, that means you do not have access. Please click on "Ask A Question" on the Related Information link on the right and complete the form for assistance.)
  3. Select “Payment Batch ImportData” from the “Staff Services” drop-down menu.
  4. Follow the step by step instructions on the web page to upload/import your file.

Once the file has been imported successfully, a requisition number will be assigned.

  1. Notify PSC by clicking on the “Ask A Question” link on the Related Information menu and complete the form. In the subject line, indicate “Import Approval MM/DD/YY” and include the following information in the question field to ensure prompt assistance:
    1. Department Name and Code
    2. Contact Name
    3. Requisition Number
    4. Total Amount
    5. PLEASE NOTE: If PSC is not notified of the Payment Batch Import File, the file will NOT be imported into CASHNet. DO NOT bag or send the deposit to the bank until your department contact has been contacted and given an assigned batch number.

  2. Imports must be completed by 3:30 p.m. All imports in the queue will be approved by 4 p.m. the same business day. (A batch imported after 3:30 p.m. may not be approved until the following business day.)

  3. An email confirmation with the batch number will be sent to the department contact once the batch has successfully completed and posted in CASHNet. 

After receiving the batch number:

  1. For check and cash deposits, follow the same procedures as usual, using BUS 49 requirements as your guide. Complete the deposit slip which matches the department/customer code used in the upload/import, write the batch number on the deposit slip, and place the deposit slip with the check and cash in the Bank of America deposit bag for Dunbar pickup. It is not necessary to perform the checkout step in CASHNet.
  2. For pre-authorized credit card transactions make sure the credit card batch is closed. No further action is needed. 
  3. Batches with confirmation of approval and completion will be posted to the General Ledger, CDW and PAN the same evening.
  4. To review the transactions within the batch, use the “Find Transactions” feature in CASHNet and indicate the appropriate batch number.  

Repeat the steps above for each file.