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Taxpayer Identification Numbers Overview

A taxpayer identification number (TIN) is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and by the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) in the administration of tax laws.

UCLA has a federal employer identification number (EIN) and state employer account number (EAN). Individuals must have a TIN if they are either employed by UCLA, or they are receiving a service payment or scholarship/fellowship. An individual is not eligible for employment unless s/he has an individual taxpayer ID number or Social Security number.

Type of Taxpayer ID

Assigned by

Federal Taxpayer ID Number (EIN)

Internal Revenue Service

Individual Taxpayer ID Number (ITIN)

Internal Revenue Service

Social Security Number (SSN)

Social Security Administration

State Taxpayer ID Number (EAN)

California Employment Development Department

For information about responding to requests for UCLA's federal or state taxpayer ID number (EIN), and applying for a U.S. taxpayer ID number (EIN, SSN and ITIN), see Related Information.